For Kids

Youth Reading Kits

We've got pre-made themed kits that include books, activities, puppets, and more! Check them out on the wall in the Kid Zone, or preview them on our catalog.

Youth Reading Kits full wall.jpgImage of a wall with notecards listing offerings for Youth Reading Kits. This image is zoomed in on a kit about Chickens, one about Colors, one about Cows, and one about Dinosaurs.

ITC Literacy Logo.pngIowa Total Care Literacy Program

We'd like to thank Iowa Total Care for choosing Evansdale Public Library to be a part of 100 Libraries in Iowa Literacy Program, a literacy program being gifted to only 100 libraries across the state. By being chosen for this program, Evandale Public Library has been awarded $500 and a literacy toolkit to support our kids' literacy advancement.

Since reading is important for childhood development, we are grateful for this opportunity to improve our students' reading habits!

Sign up for Doc's Kids Club!Doc the Dog mascot as a superhero.

Hi! I’m Doc.

Welcome to my club. Doc’s Kids Club is for kids like you who work together to get healthy and stay that way. I am so happy you’re joining my club.

Are you ready to get healthy? Let’s have some fun. Have an adult sign you up. When you do, you’ll get a free book, and an official Doc’s Kids Club ID card and sticker.

Open to Iowa residents age 10 and under.

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Alma’s Way is an engaging, animated series for children ages 4-6 created by Sonia Manzano, who played Maria on Sesame Street. It has a strong emphasis on social emotional learning and finding your voice! The series stars 6-year-old Alma Rivera, a proud and confident Bronx-born, Puerto Rican girl, who lives in the Bronx with her family and a diverse group of friends and neighbors. In each story, Alma speaks directly to the audience in her “Think Through” moments, where she learns to think for herself, make decisions and understand other people’s points of view—while making lots of messy and hilarious mistakes all along the way.Watch full episodes of Alma’s Way on

Check out the newest edition of an Alma's Way story: Alma Speaks Up / Alma habla, a bilingual Spanish/English picture book. And stop in to grab an Alma's Way bookmark!

Unite for Literacy'Unite for Literacy' logo. Open book with circle surrounding text.

Free ebooks. Unite for Literacy pictures a world where all children have access to an abundance of books that celebrate their languages and cultures and cultivate a lifelong love of reading.

Epic! Books for Kidsepic.png

Inspiring the next generation to develop a love of reading and learning.

Epic was born out of a single question: How do we make books more accessible to kids? As parents, it always seemed strange to us that our kids could so easily play games and watch videos on their iPhones and iPads, but the same couldn’t be said for books. So in 2013, we decided to build the first “epic” reading experience, designed just for kids. Today, Epic has grown into an award-winning subscription service, which gives millions of families and classrooms instant, unlimited access to thousands of books, videos and quizzes from leading publishers to help kids everywhere read, learn and grow.

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